速報APP / 地圖與導航 / Hellotracks, GPS Phone Tracker

Hellotracks, GPS Phone Tracker





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:3255 Laguna Street San Francisco, CA 94123

Hellotracks, GPS Phone Tracker(圖1)-速報App

Hellotracks GPS Phone Tracker: share location, record routes & follow contacts in real time!

★ Real time GPS Mobile Tracker for your personal and professional team

Your phone is the most accurate GPS tracking device. With Hellotracks you can locate your mobile team, dispatch & follow all activities in real time.

Hellotracks, GPS Phone Tracker(圖2)-速報App

★ Route Recording

Using your phone as your Real time GPS tracking device allows you to record every route with distance, speed & elevation. No start or stop buttons needed! Hellotracks GPS Phone Tracker is the most accurate GPS tracking app! Great solution to manage field service.

★ Activity Notifications

Hellotracks, GPS Phone Tracker(圖3)-速報App

Use your phone as a GPS tracker, create places on your private map & get auto check-ins and outs! Know when your mobile team arrives and leaves their destination. This is the simplest way to coordinate your mobile workforce.

★ Push messages

Use Hellotracks GPS Phone Tracker to communicate with your mobile team. You can attach locations & use your favorite navigation app. Dispatch your employees by sending directions with real time GPS traffic. This is a great option for field service management.

Hellotracks, GPS Phone Tracker(圖4)-速報App

★ Panic button

By using your Android as a mobile tracker you can send an emergency message with your exact location to your entire mobile team & get help right away. Stay safe with the Best GPS app for Android.

★ No installation costs

Hellotracks, GPS Phone Tracker(圖5)-速報App

Using your phone as a mobile tracker device saves you money!

★ Find a lost phone

Using your phone as a GPS tracker is the best way to keep it safe!

Hellotracks, GPS Phone Tracker(圖6)-速報App

* To use your phone as a GPS tracking device, you need to enable GPS services.

* Hellotracks is not a cell phone call tracker or a spy app. Users must have full knowledge that Hellotracks mobile app is installed and running on their device.

Coordinating a mobile team was never so simple! Use your phone as a mobile tracker & follow your mobile workforce in real time, record all routes, get notified about all activities, send instant messages & more.

Hellotracks, GPS Phone Tracker(圖7)-速報App

Visit www.hellotracks.com for more info

Hellotracks, GPS Phone Tracker(圖8)-速報App